Autumn 2 in Beech Class
Autumn Term 2 in Beech Class!
We had such a busy term and learnt so much!
We had a week focus on Diwali, learning all about why it is celebrated, how people celebrate it and even created our own Diya lamps out of salt dough and paper plates! We made them super sparkly and they were beautiful!
Weeks 4-7 in Beech Class
It’s been a busy few weeks in Beech Class!
We spent yesterday chopping and experiencing the different smells of the pumpkins and describing how they felt. We decided that they didn’t smell great, felt very slimy and the seeds were sticky! We thought about what would happen if we planted the seeds…
Week 3 in Beech Class
We’ve had a lovely week this week!
We had a focus on Pirates as it was ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ yesterday! We had so much fun playing with the pirate tent, pirate ship and some of us even loved playing in some pirate themed shaving foam! It was very messy! We even played Captain Hook Hoopla! Even…
Week 2
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We’ve had another fun week in Beech Class!
We have played lots of team games, learning to wait our turn and share - we are fantastic at this! The children waited really well and even helped each other if they were stuck! They were fantastic at telling Miss Reeves she was picking all the…
Week 1 in Beech Class
What a fabulous first week we’ve had in Beech Class!
We have explored the classroom, finding out all about the different areas and doing lots of activities in each. We have played with the musical instruments, taking turns to play them and then playing them all together, like a big band! We…
Weeks 27, 28 & 29 in Beech Class
We have a lot to catch up on! The past few weeks have been so busy!
We have been practising lots of listening, listening to others and also identifying different sounds. We played sound bingo, where we listened carefully to different sounds and crossed them off our sheets when we heard them! We…
Week 26
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We’ve had such a fantastic first week back in Beech Class, I hope the children had a lovely week!
We have thought all about Beatrix Potter and her stories and even decorating our door just like Peter Rabbit! The children worked so hard collaging him, I am tempted to keep him on there…
Week 25
Last week, we had 2 very special visitors. We had read stories all about Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and Peter Rabbit, and on Thursday morning they arrived! We had such a wonderful time meeting them, shaking their hand and giving them cuddles before they hopped off back to their homes. Thanks so much to Miss…
Week 24 in Beech Class
Last week, we made the most of the lovely weather by being outside as much as possible!
We enjoyed playing out on the bikes, using stop and go signs and just having lots of fun!
We had a great time in the forest, searching for tadpoles (but were a bit early) and found lots of different creatures…
Week 23 in Beech Class
This week, we have begun to look at height and length in our Maths learning. We have built towers with a differing amount of blocks with a set time to see who could make the tallest! We took turns jumping, starting at the same point and then measuring how long our jump was to see who could jump…
Week 22 in Beech Class
Last week, Beech Class were visited by Rev. Naomi who told us the story of Samuel anoints David. We acted it out and then made beautiful crafts all about how God looks at the heart rather than what’s on the outside.
We then recapped all of the numbers we have learnt, making different shapes from…
Week 21 in Beech Class
Our first week back!
We have continued thinking all about the number 5, thinking about how it looks and what different numbers make up the number 5! We used numicon to help us work out that the number 5 can be made up of lots of different numbers together!
We used number cards to tell us how…