PSHE reception- what is safe to go into our body?
We helped Harold the giraffe decide what food/drink was safe to go into his body. We then discussed how medicine is safe to go into our body if we feel poorly and a trusted adult helps us. We dressed up as doctors/nurses and pretended to administer medicine safely by reading the labels.
Non fiction texts
Ash class spent some time exploring non fiction texts including newspapers, leaflets, recipe books and instruction manual.
Year 1 Place value
Year 1 were playing a game where they were turning over number cards and challenging their peers to write a number within 20 correctly! They enjoyed being mini teachers :)
Geography Experiment
In geography we have been learning all about weathering and erosion.
Today we completed an experiment to help us understand the different ways that weathering and erosion can affect landscapes.
We used sand, water and ice and observed the movement of the sand particles.
Snow Day
Elm class have been out enjoying a snow day today!
As soon as we saw snow falling we headed outside to build snowmen and have snowball fights.
As we enjoyed ourselves we also learnt lots about weather, states of matter, forces and structures!
Snowy day!
Ash Class have been having fun with the snowy animals in the shaving foam to represent waking up to more snow!
Autumn 2 in Beech Class
Autumn Term 2 in Beech Class!
We had such a busy term and learnt so much!
We had a week focus on Diwali, learning all about why it is celebrated, how people celebrate it and even created our own Diya lamps out of salt dough and paper plates! We made them super sparkly and they were beautiful!
St. Oswald's Toy Service
A group of our pupils took part in the Toy Service at St. Oswald's Church. Our families donated toys to the Kensington Foundation, Jack-in-the-Box Appeal.
Weeks 4-7 in Beech Class
It’s been a busy few weeks in Beech Class!
We spent yesterday chopping and experiencing the different smells of the pumpkins and describing how they felt. We decided that they didn’t smell great, felt very slimy and the seeds were sticky! We thought about what would happen if we planted the seeds…
Life Education visit!
Year 5 have been visited by Karen (and Harold) from Corum Life Education. We have been learning about the digestive system, drugs and peer pressure. We learnt how to be assertive and role played being assertive with our friends!
Phases of the Moon
Maple Class have been learning about the phases of the Moon in Science. We have created them using oreos!
Music Ash Class
Year 1 in Ash Class have enjoyed experimenting with different musical instruments deciding which noise they prefer!