Breakfast and After-School Club sessions are also available for Pre-School pupils.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club meets every morning from 7:30am, or a shorter session is available from 8am. Bookings are made through ParentPay.
Children are given a healthy breakfast to start the day and enjoy meeting their friends before school starts. At the moment we meet in the school hall to ensure we can keep our class 'bubbles' separate. The children can take part in a range of activities including board games, drawing and colouring, model making and other creative activities. At 8:50 am they are taken to their classes ready to start the school day.
After-School Club
Fleetwood’s Charity After School club aims to provide a safe and secure environment for the children in our care. We are open from 3.30pm to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. Parents can book a later session until 6:00pm by prior arrangement. The club is known as the Woodland Den.
The club is run by some of our teacher assistants: Mrs Lewis, Miss Bramwell, Mrs Pollard and Miss Gemma. Each half-term they put together a timetable of activities and themed nights which may include: cookery, craft, board games, sport, 'cinema' nights plus much much more! A snack and a drink are included in the cost of the care provided.
Children are collected from their class by a member of staff and escorted to the designated room. A register is kept for each session and a signing out sheet is used by those collecting the children, who must be a named adult.
Sessions are charged at full (2 hours) or half (1 hour) sessions through ParentPay.
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