Welcome to Ash Class, we are a cohort of Reception and Year 1 children.
The Teacher in Ash Class is Miss Moore. The teaching assistant is Mrs Roberts Monday-Thursday and Miss Bramwell on a Friday. We have lots of areas of provision inside and also in our outdoor area, which the children have access to all day everyday. Reception learn through play with lots of child initiated activities as well as some adult led learning. Year 1 will learn more formally after a careful transition, they do however have access to the provision but this becomes increasingly more structured as the year progress'.
On a Friday afternoon Reception pupils go to the forest with Miss Bramwell and Mrs Pollard- we are so lucky to have access to forest school each week! In the forest we have many learning opportunities, linking to the 7 areas of learning and development. We love the outdoors and this is a vital part of our learning in Ash Class. Year 1 pupils will go to the forest for a half term with the rest of the year 1 pupils in the spring/summer term.
On a Tuesday Mrs Potter will be teaching Ash Class and will cover a variety of foundation subjects throughout the year including RE, History, Geography, Computing, Art and Music.
Click on the links below to view the Newsletters over the academic year.
Click below to view the overview of themes covered this academic year;
Home learning logs;
Autumn 2 Learning Menu Reception
Spring 1 learning menu Reception