Our School Council are elected at the start of the school year. Pupils put themselves forward and then the rest of the class vote to elect 2 councillors per class. The Head Boy and Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Girl are also on the School Council.

They meet each half-term to discuss ideas around fund-raising; areas of school improvement and to give Mrs Gladwin feedback on different aspects of school life. First they lead a class council meeting to collate ideas and thoughts from their class then take a summary to the School Council meeting.

2022 - 2023 - Behaviour in school and reward systems

Actions as a result:

More toys and equipment outside at all breaks.

Construction of a welly wall to enable play on the grass in all weathers.

Reminder of the outdoor play behaviour agreement for all pupils.


2022 - 2023 - Thoughts on marking and feedback

Actions as a result:

Teachers now use personalised stamps for marking and feedback.

Teachers use stickers to show that pupils have done well.

Teachers reward pupils with dojo points for their work.

School Council and other groups





We also have Sports Council, Worship Leaders, Eco Warriors and Library Monitors. They work in conjunction with the School Council to represent areas of the wider curriculum. 


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