Safer Internet
Corey from Fleetwood Town Community Trust came in to deliver a workshop to Maple Class on Safer Internet Day.
Phases of the Moon
Maple Class have been learning about the phases of the Moon in Science. We have created them using oreos!
Obstacle Course
Maple Class LOVED taking part in the obstacle course as a part of our fundraising for the Bishop's Harvest appeal!
Ancient Greek artefacts!
Maple Class have been exploring artefacts from the Ancient Greeks and working on their inference skills to consider the uses of each artefact!
Pizza making!
Maple Class have prepared and cooked their own pizzas on the firepit this morning!
Exploring Shabbat
In RE, we have been learning about Shabbat - the Jewish day of rest to commemorate God resting on the 7th day. We have learnt about the traditions and have explored the traditional Shabbat meal.
The Daily Mile
Today in PSHE, we have been learning about the government initiative 'The Daily Mile'. We then tried it out ourselves. Some of us loved it and others found it very tiring!
Investigating gravity!
Maple Class have started their learning about forces! We have been learning about gravity. We practically explored the connection between mass (g) and weight (N) using Newton meters.
NatWest Moneysense Workshop!
Today, we were visited by 2 workers from NatWest, who helped us to learn about fraud and identity theft. We took on the role of investigators as we explored various exhibits to identify where fraud had been committed. We then presented our findings to the class.
Hauling cargo!
We have further our learning of Captain Scott's expedition today. We learnt how Scott felt empathetic towards the dogs pulling the sleds, so himself and his team pulled the cargo themselves! We thought we would give this a go... so we piled a sledge full of things we thought we would take with us…
Freeze Frames
We have been freeze framing some action shots from Captain Scott and his team's expedition. Can you tell what the boys are doing?