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We’ve had such a fantastic first week back in Beech Class, I hope the children had a lovely week!
We have thought all about Beatrix Potter and her stories and even decorating our door just like Peter Rabbit! The children worked so hard collaging him, I am tempted to keep him on there forever!
We had so much fun dressing up, using our imaginations to pretend play! All children got so involved and we had lots of fun tottering around in our high heels!
We had some lovely visitors join us, some brilliant helpers from year 6 who helped us build towers, obstacle courses and even made up their own stories to tell us! We also had children from year 1 come to visit us to ask us what our favourite fruits were for their survey. Thanks so much for visiting!
We practised writing and making marks with chalk on the ground outside, some of us writing our names, drawing squiggly lines and the letter S! It was lovely to see children helping others with this.
We thought about London, had a small discussion about the marathon and then decorated our own Union Jack flags! We thought really carefully about the colours involved, using glitter or dabbers to show this. Some of us were even able to find different shapes within the Union Jack! Amazing!
We looked for items of our favourite colour in the forest, and had lots of fun playing in the mud kitchen and the sand pit!
We thought all about heavier and lighter, full and empty in our Maths sessions, working out what items were heavier or lighter by using scales, and using different containers with water to discuss the meaning of full, nearly full, empty and nearly empty! The children were able to really grasp this and they worked so hard! Fantastic!