Anti-Bullying Week

Image of Anti-Bullying Week

This week, the children thought about Anti-Bullying Week. We learnt how to be kind to each other, paying each other compliments, making kindness cards for our friends and families and learning how to look after each other. The children were fantastic and really thought up some lovely…

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Week 10 in Beech Class

Image of Week 10 in Beech Class

We have had lots of fun in Beech Class this week!
We opened up our new area in the classroom, The Calm Den! There are lots of sensory items in here, and is a private space for one child at a time to have a calming moment or just relax!
We celebrated lots of Children In Need activities, baking…

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Anti-bullying week!

Image of Anti-bullying week!

This week we have been focusing on anti-bullying through school. Year 6 have completed activities to help the explore bullying and the different ways it can happen. Here you can see some of Elm class creating their own bullying freeze frames.

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Anti Bullying week

This week we have focused on being Kind and anti-bullying week. On Monday we dressed up in our own bright clothes to promote kindness. On Tuesday we had an anti-bullying workshop where we learnt how to be kind and help someone who may be being bullied. We discussed what bullying means and how we…

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Anti-Bullying Week

Image of Anti-Bullying Week

As a part of Anti-Bullying Week, Maple Class took part in BBC's live lesson to help us understand what bullying is and empower us to speak out against bullying!

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Image of Science

Today in science, we explored different types of rocks and found a variety of ways to describe them using ourselves to feel and describe how the rocks looked, magnifying glasses, microscopes, weighing scales. 

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Week 9 in Beech Class

Image of Week 9 in Beech Class

This week has been a busy one in Beech Class! 
We started off the week by practising writing our name, sounding out each letter as we wrote it! 
We have also been thinking some more about numbers, playing number matching games as well as hiding 2 children to guess who was missing (I think we…

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Tudor Artefacts

Image of Tudor Artefacts

In our History lesson, we have been exploring Tudor artefacts and considering whether they would have been owned by rich or poor people in Tudor times. 

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Visit from Fr. Peter

Image of Visit from Fr. Peter

Maple Class have been visited by our local vicar - Fr. Peter - today. He has taught us so much about the Bible - when it was written, who it was written by, how it became so popular and so much more! 

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Rock Hunt

Image of Rock Hunt

Ash Class have been on a rock hunt and have been discussing the basic properties of rocks. We discussed which rocks were heavier/lighter than and also which rocks were rough and which were smooth. 

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Exploring Bibles

Image of Exploring Bibles

We've been learning about the Bible in RE. Today, we explored different versions of the Bible and considered why there are different versions. We looked at the titles of each of them to see how they each represent what Christians believe about the word of God.

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Origami Cranes

Image of Origami Cranes

Maple Class have been exploring the traditional Japanese art form of origami. Today, we have each learnt new skills in paper folding to each create our own origami crane to represent peace.

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