Life Education visit!
Year 5 have been visited by Karen (and Harold) from Corum Life Education. We have been learning about the digestive system, drugs and peer pressure. We learnt how to be assertive and role played being assertive with our friends!
Phases of the Moon
Maple Class have been learning about the phases of the Moon in Science. We have created them using oreos!
Music Ash Class
Year 1 in Ash Class have enjoyed experimenting with different musical instruments deciding which noise they prefer!
Bishop visit
Ash Class thoroughly enjoyed sharing their outdoor area with Bishop Phillip!
Obstacle Course
Maple Class LOVED taking part in the obstacle course as a part of our fundraising for the Bishop's Harvest appeal!
Visiting 4 Countries!
In Oak Class, our Geography topic this half term is all about Continents, Countries, Cities and Oceans. Today we learnt all about 4 countries, England, Spain, France and Australia and got to try food from them all! We tried french onion soup, fairy bread, pasteles con azucar, pavlova, apricots,…
Bishop's Appeal 2024
This morning, Elm Class enjoyed completing an obstacle course to raise money for the Bishop's Appeal 2024 'Harvesting the Love of Learning'.
Week 3 in Beech Class
We’ve had a lovely week this week!
We had a focus on Pirates as it was ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ yesterday! We had so much fun playing with the pirate tent, pirate ship and some of us even loved playing in some pirate themed shaving foam! It was very messy! We even played Captain Hook Hoopla! Even…
Ancient Greek artefacts!
Maple Class have been exploring artefacts from the Ancient Greeks and working on their inference skills to consider the uses of each artefact!
In Science today, Oak Class had a great lesson outside learning about animals' needs for survival. In teams, we created our own mini ponds to create the best homes for amphibians. We will be checking next week if we have anything in our ponds! Continue reading
Week 2
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We’ve had another fun week in Beech Class!
We have played lots of team games, learning to wait our turn and share - we are fantastic at this! The children waited really well and even helped each other if they were stuck! They were fantastic at telling Miss Reeves she was picking all the…
Week 1 in Beech Class
What a fabulous first week we’ve had in Beech Class!
We have explored the classroom, finding out all about the different areas and doing lots of activities in each. We have played with the musical instruments, taking turns to play them and then playing them all together, like a big band! We…