We’ve had such a busy week, I’m not sure where to start!
We’ve been super lucky and had multiple visits from different people to enhance our ‘People who help us’ week which has led to lots of brilliant questions and learning!
We started off the week by a visit from the police, who told us how they keep us safe and what to do if we are ever in danger. We were then visited by Reverend Naomi who told us how she helps people and reminded us how unique we are and how much God loves us. We know that God will help us when we need him and she gave us lots of ideas on how to talk to him!
We then had a visit from Paramedic Graham and an ambulance! He told us how he keeps people safe and we even got to have a go on all the different equipment inside!
Lanes Vets visited (with Lexi!), who helped us understand what vets do and when we might need them. We got to see Lexi be bandaged, listened to her heartbeat, scanned her for her microchip and even got to dress up as a vet!
The Lollypop Man visited us today too! He showed us how to cross the road safely and we even got to have a picture!
The Coastguards visited and gave a fabulous demonstration of how they save people when they are stuck out in water! We learnt how to be safe around water and they even showed us all the equipment they need to help others!
Amongst that, we managed to fit in some learning about the number 4, practised writing the letter ‘t’, created some Mondrian pictures and got to play out on the bikes!
A huge, huge, huge thank you to all our special visitors this week, you have really gone above and beyond and the children and staff are extremely grateful! What a wonderful week.