This week in Beech Class, we have learnt all about how we are unique. We are different from each other and we have been learning how that is great and how to embrace this! We have learnt all about our body, thinking about kind hands with each other. We have enjoyed stories, encouraged to look at stories independently and even read stories in our outdoor area. We created our own stories as a group, thinking about what may come next!
We have learnt all about the number 5, what it looks like and how many items you would find in 5. We have also thought about pentagons and some of us can even find these amongst other shapes! Incredible!
We have made some lovely Valentine’s Day cards for our families and those we love.
We even began some rhyming work, thinking about -at endings, -og endings and -ar endings. We were able to distinguish the difference between these sounds and put them into separate hoops! We even enjoyed dressing up in a hat with a bat!
Hope you all have a lovely break ☺️ see you in a week!