What a busy, exciting first week back!
We have settled really well back into our routine and the children have been fantastic. We have done lots of number recognition and counting with a particular focus on the number 3.
We thought about New Year and resolutions with the children thinking of their own and decorating a star to represent this!
We used bamboo guttering to make a ball travel, thinking about how to make the ball go faster or slower down the pipe. We were amazing at this!
We practised writing the letter S in sand whilst saying the sound. Some of us even had a go at the first letter of our name or even writing our whole name! Fantastic!
We started our Big Bird Watch, going down to the outdoor classroom to see if any birds would visit us. We were extremely quiet and a little robin flew down to see us! We even found some tracks and a hole which had been left by a sneaky rabbit!
Have a lovely weekend!