Natural Paint

Image of Natural Paint

How many different colours can we make from berries?

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Image of Gardening

Gardening Club have been busy planting flowers and keeping the school garden tidy.

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Christmas Trees!

Image of Christmas Trees!

Maple Class have been making a Christmas ztrees for our displays around school!

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Heating the pewter

Image of Heating the pewter

The fire had to be very hot to melt the pewter.

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Pewter Smelting

Image of Pewter Smelting

We had to take care filling our clay moulds with melted pewter.

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Anglo Saxons

Image of Anglo Saxons

As part of learning about Anglo Saxons we made clay moulds ready to smelt pewter over the firepit. 

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Plastic Free Schools

Image of Plastic Free Schools

Maple Class are working hard to make our school plastic free. We have taken part in four beach cleans, a litter pick and created a persuasive pitch to the whole school and parents to educate them on the harmful effects of plastic pollution and to encourage them to reduce their use of single-useā€¦

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Marine Biologist and Wyre Rivers Trust Visit

A marine biologist and the Rivers Trust visited our class to help us classify sea creatures and to understand how humans are affecting our ocean habitats.

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Multi-sensory Fractions

Image of Multi-sensory Fractions

gallery:Multi-sensory Fractions

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Alder Hey Fundraiser

Image of Alder Hey Fundraiser

Thank you for all your support for our Alder Hey Fundraiser - We raised the tremendous amount of £175,44!

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Forest team building

Image of Forest team building

Great team work in the wind and rain.

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Alder Hey Fundraiser

Image of Alder Hey Fundraiser


Alder Hey Fundraiser - Monday 11th February - Cake Sale, Toy Sale and Colouring Competition. 2.20pm in the school hall.

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