
Image of Egg-hausting!

Maple Class have been imitating one of the most spectacular demonstrations of co-operation in nature: passing the precious egg between mother and father in Antarctica's cruel conditions. What will happen to the chick if the egg falls and is exposed to this bleak, barren landscape?

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Science - Materials

Image of Science - Materials
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PSHE - Play Leaders

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PSHE - Play Leaders

Image of PSHE - Play Leaders
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PSHE - Play Leaders

Year 4 and 5 have been working as a group to design their own playtime games for our KS1 children.

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Image of Onomatopoeia

The children layered images, resized and edited shapes.

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Image of Onomatopoeia
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Image of Onomatopoeia

After exploring comic books, we used Microsoft Publisher to create onomatopoeic art in the style of artist Roy Lichenstein. 

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Art Week - exploring seasons

Image of Art Week - exploring seasons
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PSHE - Play Leaders


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Art Week - Sculpting with artist Gill Gosford

Image of Art Week - Sculpting with artist Gill Gosford
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Art Week - Sculpting with artist Gill Gosford

Image of Art Week - Sculpting with artist Gill Gosford
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