Light Dance at the Marine Hall
Year 6 were fabulous last week in the dance competition and got great comments from the 3 judges. It was also good to watch performances from the other schools. Well done to the children who took part!
Pottery Sessions
Our student teachers, Miss Hadley and Miss Williams have helped Year 6 pupils to design and make a piece of pottery for a special occasion which is coming up very soon. (Watch this space!)
Light Dance
This week Elm Class pupils are working with Anthony from Ludus Dance in Lancaster, on a dance linked to their Science topic on light. They are working in small groups, choreographing some creative movement to a piece of music which is performed in the dark and enhanced by the use of small…
Winmarleigh Hall Visit - Year 6
Year 6 always love their residential visit to Winmarleigh Hall outdoor activity centre and this year was no exception. Everyone had a go and challenged themselves, I think the Giant Swing was one of the most popular activities with some pupils even going right to the top!
Practical maths
In Elm Class we have been having fun exploring the topic of shape with practical activities. This has helped us with naming a range of shapes and being able to describe their properties. Using construction kits is great for exploring the nets of 3D shapes. We have also learned about different…
We are using inspiration from nature and the seasons in art this half-term. Year 6 spend one morning a week in the forest with Mrs Crompton which enables them to link creative skills with the outdoors.