Chocolate fractions!
We have been looking at equivalent fractions using chocolate!
Mayan hot chocolate
We had great fun making Mayan hot chocolate this week. Not everybody was keen on the extra ingredients... cinnamon and CHILLI POWDER!
Oak trees
We all helped plant oak tree saplings that will here when our children and grandchildren come to this school. We found they lived up to 900 years.
Environmental art
Great team work to create a habitat for a hedgehog to hibernate.
Sending hugs
This week year 6 have made hugs to send to people who are lonely during the pandemic!
WW2 artwork
Year 6 have been painting some beautiful sunsets as part of the first step in their WW2 art projects. Great work!
Apple harvest
We cooked our apples with sugar and cinnamon. They tasted amazing.
A beautiful harvest poem and prayer written by one of our year 6's and shared in church.