In Literacy we are looking at non-fiction text. This week Oak class have been researching Penguins, Pigs and Possums on the internet and recording the facts they have found onto paper!
Painting play dough!
Today we have been painting our play dough models, the children worked really hard using different sized brushes and mixing colours to create the closest colour to their animal.
Creating animals!
Yesterday we created our own animals from play dough and then designed our animals habitat and what it eats. We used fantastic vocabularly as we were designing our animal such as push, pull, twist, stretch,squash and pinch!
Today a dance teacher came in and taught us a dance routine to Charlie and the chocolate factory! We had lots of fun and re-told the story using some cool dance moves.
The School Nativity
All the children in Oak Class performed really well in the school nativity.
Multi Skills Festival
Well done to the Multi Skills Team, you were amazing. Your hard work paid off coming 2nd place. Fantantic!!
Playground Games
In our topic looking at the history of our school we played some games that our grandparents would have played.
St Oswald's
On May 13th Oak Class went to visit St Oswald's Church. Rev Dawn told us all about the things we saw.
Life Education Centre
On Friday 10th October, the children in Oak Class went to the Life Education Centre. They found out all about keeping healthy and how people might feel if you aren't friendly to them.
The Newt
Oak Class have been pond dipping and the found a Greater Crested Newt. These are very rare, so it is fantastic we have them living in our pond.