PSHE reception- what is safe to go into our body?
We helped Harold the giraffe decide what food/drink was safe to go into his body. We then discussed how medicine is safe to go into our body if we feel poorly and a trusted adult helps us. We dressed up as doctors/nurses and pretended to administer medicine safely by reading the labels.
Non fiction texts
Ash class spent some time exploring non fiction texts including newspapers, leaflets, recipe books and instruction manual.
Year 1 Place value
Year 1 were playing a game where they were turning over number cards and challenging their peers to write a number within 20 correctly! They enjoyed being mini teachers :)
Snowy day!
Ash Class have been having fun with the snowy animals in the shaving foam to represent waking up to more snow!
Music Ash Class
Year 1 in Ash Class have enjoyed experimenting with different musical instruments deciding which noise they prefer!
Bishop visit
Ash Class thoroughly enjoyed sharing their outdoor area with Bishop Phillip!
Maths building 3D towers
Ash class worked in small groups to create the tallest tower using 3D shapes that we have been learning about. We discussed why a sphere and a cone would be no use at the bottom of the tower! We measured the towers to crown the winning group with the tallest tower.
We had towers as tall as 5ft…
The BIG Little Nativity
Ash and Oak performed their Nativity to all of their family and the rest of school. We have some amazing performers!
Junk Modelling boats
The pupils in Ash Class have been learning about materials, they have been using different junk materials to create a boat in groups. Which boat will absorb water? Which boat will float?
Anti Bullying week
This week we have focused on being Kind and anti-bullying week. On Monday we dressed up in our own bright clothes to promote kindness. On Tuesday we had an anti-bullying workshop where we learnt how to be kind and help someone who may be being bullied. We discussed what bullying means and how we…
Rock Hunt
Ash Class have been on a rock hunt and have been discussing the basic properties of rocks. We discussed which rocks were heavier/lighter than and also which rocks were rough and which were smooth.
Sorting Materials
We have been learning about different materials in Science, we have been sorting glass, metal, plastic and wood!