Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year buffet - special delivery from Canton House. What fun trying new foods.
Pudsey Bear 21
The challenge was to collect natural materials to create Pudsey Bear . Great team working.
Mr Harrison gave us strawberry plants for our garden lets hope we get lots of juicy strawberries to try.
Gardening Club have been busy planting flowers and keeping the school garden tidy.
All the children in school are planting gladioli bulbs. Thankyou to the late Mrs Williamson's family for donating the bulbs.
Oak trees
We all helped plant oak tree saplings that will here when our children and grandchildren come to this school. We found they lived up to 900 years.
Being in Year 7 at Montgomery
What is the best thing about Montgomery?
The best thing about Montgomery is the sports because they have a large sports field and they do activities like badminton and tennis with actual courts in the sports hall
What was your greatest wish /fear about moving up to high school?
McMillan Coffee Morning
Our Year 6 pupils hosted a McMillan Coffee Morning. We invited parents and members of the community and then they were rewarded for their hard work with a cup of tea and a cake.
Year 6 Knitting Group
Jan from Knit and Natter has been coming into school each week to teach groups of Year 6 to knit. They are making squares which will be sewn together to make pet blankets for the RSPCA.
Year 6 Car Wash Fund-raiser
This week, Year 6 pupils spent a morning at A&G Precision washing cars to raise funds for their end of year trips. They washed a lot of cars and raised £225. Thanks to A&G for providing a well-earned lunch.