Chocolate Fractions!

Image of Chocolate Fractions!

We have been using chocolate in Maths today to find equivalent fractions to unit fractions!

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Anti-Bullying Week

Image of Anti-Bullying Week

As a part of Anti-Bullying Week, Maple Class took part in BBC's live lesson to help us understand what bullying is and empower us to speak out against bullying!

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Tudor Artefacts

Image of Tudor Artefacts

In our History lesson, we have been exploring Tudor artefacts and considering whether they would have been owned by rich or poor people in Tudor times. 

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Visit from Fr. Peter

Image of Visit from Fr. Peter

Maple Class have been visited by our local vicar - Fr. Peter - today. He has taught us so much about the Bible - when it was written, who it was written by, how it became so popular and so much more! 

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Exploring Bibles

Image of Exploring Bibles

We've been learning about the Bible in RE. Today, we explored different versions of the Bible and considered why there are different versions. We looked at the titles of each of them to see how they each represent what Christians believe about the word of God.

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Origami Cranes

Image of Origami Cranes

Maple Class have been exploring the traditional Japanese art form of origami. Today, we have each learnt new skills in paper folding to each create our own origami crane to represent peace.

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Diwali Masks

Image of Diwali Masks

Year 4 and 5 children in Maple Class have worked hard this half term to design and make (from scratch) a mask with an electrical circuit in it! We made our masks with the user as a Hindu or Sikh in mind who would wear this during Diwali - the Festival of Light. This festival celebrates the victory…

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Creative Builders Workshop

Image of Creative Builders Workshop

Maple Class have enjoyed a Creative Builders Workshop this morning to extend our Science and DT learning about electricity and electrical systems! Each child started by building their own Lego building (from homes to football stadiums), before we joined them together to make a city! We then…

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Image of Archery

Maple Class have enjoyed a visit from Sports Cool this afternoon where we have learnt new skills in archery! We have some amazing archers!

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Forest Art

Image of Forest Art

We've had fun in the forest this morning creating some beautiful natural wall hangings!

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Our First Week in Maple Class

Image of Our First Week in Maple Class

We've had a super busy first week in Maple Class. We have been working collaboratively to build the tallest newspaper tower in PSHE, exploring numbers practically in Maths, exploring poetry in English, discovering different versions of the Bible in RE and finding out lots about the Earth, Sun and…

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Christmas Trees!

Image of Christmas Trees!

Maple Class have been making a Christmas ztrees for our displays around school!

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