Key Stage 2 results

There have been no official assessments for the end of primary school phase since summer 2019. below are details of Key Stage 2 performance from 2018-2019.

Key Stage 2 SATS results 2019

In small schools headline data can be affected significantly by the results of just one or two children. In our school each child counts for between 5% and 8% as we have between 12 and 20 children in each year group. In 2019 there were 18 students in Year 6. For a more balanced evaluation it is better to look at our results averaged over 3 years.

There are different ways to consider SATS data – schools will give a percentage of the year group reaching the set standard, but it is also useful to consider the average of every child’s scaled score in each test and the progress measures from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.

In 2019 nationally 64.8% of children reached the 'Age Related Expectations' (ARE) in reading, writing and maths combined with 10.5% at the higher standard. At Fleetwood’s Charity School 61.1% of children reached that overall standard in 2019, the 3-year average for our school is 66% with 4% at the higher standard.

Here are the scores in more detail for our school:

Reading in 2019 at FCS 72% reached the age-related standard or above, with 17% at greater depth. (Above national figures of 73% AR and 27% HS). Over 3 years the average scaled score exactly matched the national average at 104.54. The progress measure over the last three years was ahead of the national mean, but within the ‘average band’ at 0.51 (National 0.02).

Writing 72% ARE, 6% ‘greater depth’ (National 78% ARE, 20% GD). Progress over 3 years within the ‘average band’ but below national mean at -1.08.

Grammar, punctuation & spelling 78% ARE & 17% GD (National 77% ARE 34% HS)

Mathematics 78% ARE & 6% GD (National 79% ARE 27% HS) Over 3 years the average scaled score in maths for FCS was 104.3; nationally it was 104.6 so very similar. Progress in mathematics over three years was 0.46 with national over the same period 0.02 so school’s figures are in the average band and above the median figure.

Whilst SATS data is important for every school, the all-round education and care can be missed in a few figures. Anyone who would like more information should contact the Headteacher at school. 

Performance data is available here: and for the school here:'s-charity-church-of-england-primary-school/primary