This week, we said goodbye to our lovely Miss L. She joined us back in September for her beginning placement and was part of the team from the word go! We will miss her very much, as well as the children, and wish her lots of luck in her next placement on her journey to becoming a teacher!
We have had multiple dress rehearsals for the Nativity, ensuring that all children taking part get to have an experience on the stage in their costume before the big day.
Christmas has also arrived in Beech Class and we very much enjoyed decorating the tree on Tuesday. We have a tree outside that the children can decorate as they wish and it looks fab!
There have been lots of trips to the barbers and hairdressers this week, the children have been really concentrating when doing other children’s hair!
We did some more learning about the number 3 and also made our own Christmas jumpers!
See you all next week!